Chapter 6: Client Side Scripting Using JavaScript - Part 1
Topics:- JavaScript - <SCRIPT> Tag, Creating functions in JavaScript
Data types in JavaScript - Number, String, Boolean
Chapter 6: Client Side Scripting Using JavaScript - Part 2
Topics:- Variables in JavaScript - var
Operators in JavaScript - 1. Arithmetic operators
2. Assignment operators, 3. Relational operators
4. Logical operators, 5. String addition operator (+)
Assignment #1
Chapter 6: Client Side Scripting Using JavaScript - Part 3
Topics:- Control structures in JavaScript - if statement, switch statement, for loop, while loop
Built-in functions - alert(), isNaN(), toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), charAt(), length property
Assignment #2
Chapter 6: Client Side Scripting Using JavaScript - Part 4
Topics:- Accessing values in a textbox using JavaScript
Program to create a web page that displays the square of a number
Mouse events - onClick, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave
Keyboard events - onKeyDown, onKeyUp
Program to create a web page that displays the sum of two numbers
Chapter 6: Client Side Scripting Using JavaScript - Part 5